
Department Overview

The post-graduate program in orthodontics at the University of Connecticut was established in 1971. Since its inception, it has made landmark contributions to the field of orthodontics. The Department has always been on the cusp of leading research in bone and muscle biology, craniofacial orthopedics, and clinical orthodontics. The Department has led the field in the application of biomechanics and the development of innovative orthodontic materials and appliances. The peer-reviewed contributions by faculty, residents, and alumni are well known in orthodontics.

Academic Program

Combined M.Dent.Sc./Certificate Program

(36 months)
The combined M.Dent.Sc./Certificate Program is oriented toward preparing the student for substantial involvement in a career in research and teaching. While this academic program emphasizes in-depth research, it includes strong clinical experience. This program leads to a certificate in orthodontics plus an M.Dent.Sc. degree.

Combined Ph.D./Certificate Program

(approximately 60 months)
The combined Ph.D./Certificate Program is also oriented toward preparing the student for a career in research and teaching. There is an emphasis on in-depth research while still including strong clinical experience. This program leads to a certificate in orthodontics plus a Ph.D. degree. The length of time for this program is subject to each individual’s research progress. Applicants to the Combined Ph.D./Certificate Program must currently be a matriculated Ph.D. student at UConn Health in good standing. In addition, they must have the written permission of their Ph.D. advisor and committee. View more information on the Ph.D. in Biomedical Science program.


The curriculum is “problem oriented” and is developed around a spectrum of courses. Each course consists of a sequence of problems and an organizational format appropriate for their solution. Each course is a result of the interaction of personnel and expertise from clinical and basic science areas.

The clinical portion of these programs include courses such as Growth and Development, Biomechanics I and II, Biology of Tooth Movement, Biostatistics, Functional Oral Anatomy, Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Multidisciplinary Care, Functional Appliances, Developmental Biology, Connective Tissue Biology, Biomaterials, Craniofacial Anomalies, Cephalometrics, Basic Edgewise, Orthodontic Appliances, Practice Management, TMJ Dysfunction, Functional Considerations, Surgical Orthodontics, and Research.


There are unique opportunities for the students to direct their interests into such diverse specialty areas as bone biology, growth and development, clinical orthodontics, orthognathic surgery, biomechanics, biology of tooth movement, muscle physiology, speech, and behavioral science. The Division has a number of well-equipped research laboratories devoted to biomechanics and cell biology as well as access to others in the School of Engineering, the Institute of Material Science, the Center for Regenerative Medicine and Skeletal Development, and the Center for Biomaterials in the Division of Prosthodontics.


Admission Requirements:

All applications will be processed through the Postdoctoral Application Support Service (PASS) of the American Association of Dental Schools. Information can be obtained by contacting:

1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-2212
Phone: 1-800-353-2237
Fax: 202-667-4983
Website: https://www.adea.org/pass/

Orthodontic Policies and Procedures for Student Admittance

Policies and Procedures

Application Process:

A completed application must be submitted to PASS by September 15, 2024, to be considered for the following academic year.

Supplemental Application:

The only document required to be sent to UConn School of Dental Medicine is an application fee of $100  to the following address by September 15, 2024, to be considered for the following academic year:

Payment Option 1 (preferred):
Pay via PayPal at the following link: https://enrollmentfees.uchc.edu/DentAppFees.html
Once here, in drop-down, choose: Orthodontics Residency, ID Type= PASS ID, ID# = Your Pass ID #
Complete all personal information.
Please be sure you are choosing Orthodontics for $100 and not Dental School Pre Doc Program for $75

Payment Option 2: Via check or Monday order in U.S. dollars drawn from a U.S. bank, made payable to UConn School of Dental Medicine Department of Orthodontics with the name of the applicant on the memo line on the check and mailed to:

Program Director
Department of Orthodontics
UConn School of Dental Medicine
263 Farmington Avenue, MC 1725
Farmington, CT 06030

*No credit cards or wire transfers are accepted.*

In addition, all applicants are required to register with the National Matching Service:

National Matching Services
20 Holly Street, Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario Canada M4S 3B1
Phone: 416-977-3431
Fax: 416-977-5020
Email: matchinfo@natmatch.com

Please note:

  1. Transcripts: Dental school, undergraduate, and graduate/professional school (if applicable) transcripts must be uploaded to PASS. Dental School transcripts must be official; undergraduate and graduate do not.  Transcripts do not need to be sent directly to UConn.
  2. Graduates from non-American Dental Association (ADA) accredited schools: Graduates must request original ECE's or WES's to be sent directly to PASS. They do not need to be sent directly to UConn.
  3. National Dental Board Examination (NBDE) and Integrated National Board Exam (INBDE*): Applicants must have taken and passed, at minimum, Part I of the NBDE or INBDE. Although the School of Dental Medicine Dean reports board scores to PASS, we also require you to request original scores (not self-reported) from the ADA. They do not need to be sent directly to UConn. UPDATE: Due to the timing of the availability to take the *INBDE, the due date for scores to be uploaded in PASS is 10/15.
  4. Current TOEFL Score: Students whose native language is not English must contact ETS to have their official TOEFL scores released to ADEA PASS. A minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper), 213 (computer), 79 (internet), or 6.5 (IELTS) is required for admission. Self-reported scores are not accepted. Exception: International students whose native language is non English but have completed an advanced standing program for dental school in the US, do not have to take the TOEFL. For additional information on English proficiency requirements for the Graduate School please visit their website:  https://grad.uconn.edu/admissions/requirements/#englishtest
  5. *IELTS: PASS does not accept the original IELTS. If you have taken the IELTS and not the TOEFL, you must send an ORIGINAL, paper, current test score to Georgiana Defilio at the address below. See the following link to determine if you qualify for a score waiver: Language Proficiency Policy.pdf.
  6. GRE examination: GRE exams are optional. However, it is highly recommended that the exam be taken and scores reported. Use GRE code 3931.
  7. ADAT: We do not require the Advanced Dental Admission Test (ADAT).

PASS application and application fee payment must be submitted and received by September 15, 2024

Applicants for the July 1, 2025 Matriculation Date:

Interviews will be held on Thursday, October 24, 2024, and Friday, October 25, 2024. You will be contacted by telephone and/or email with an invitation if selected and for which day to interview. It has not yet been determined if interviews will be held in person or virtual. 

Salaries, Stipends, Tuition, and Fees

Salaries and Stipends:

Residents in the Combined MDentSci/Residency Certificate Program receive a salary or stipend.

  • U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and Canadian citizens with a TN visa who are graduates of U.S. or Canadian dental schools:
    • receive an annual salary currently in the amount of $24,000 for the first year and $25,000 for the second and third years of residency.
    • are eligible for employment benefits through the Capital Area Health Consortium (CAHC). Click here for details on the CAHC website.
  • Foreign nationals and/or graduates of non-U.S./Canadian dental schools:
    • receive an annual stipend currently in the amount of $13,000 for each year of residency.
    • are not eligible for employment benefits but are required to have and maintain health insurance coverage for the duration of the program. Click here for more information regarding health insurance requirements for foreign nationals.


Program costs are split between the Residency Certificate Program component and the MDentSci Degree Component. The Residency Certificate program has an Advanced Dental Education Fee of $25,000 per year. The MDentSci degree program component is charged tuition per credit hour through the University of Connecticut Graduate School. The MDentSci requires a minimum of 30 credits, of which 6 credits may be transferred at no cost from the residency certificate program component and a minimum of 24 additional graduate school tuition-based credits. Click here for additional information about the UConn Graduate School tuition and fees for the Master of Dental Science.

For residents who are eligible for Federal Financial Aid, both the Advanced Dental Education fee and Graduate School tuition/fees may be included in a Federal Financial Aid package.

For more information, see the Resident Salaries, Stipends, Fees, and Tuition.

*Obtaining a badge from UConn Health is mandatory and required in order to be enrolled. This process includes a full background check. Badges are subject to approval from UConn Police and the Risk Management Office. 

Contact Information

Department of Orthodontics
UConn School of Dental Medicine
263 Farmington Avenue, MC 1725
Farmington, CT 06030
Phone: 860-679-2550
Email: gedefilio@uchc.edu

Orthodontic Fellowship Program (OFP)

In addition to a three year combined Masters of Dental Sciences/Clinical Orthodontic Certificate Program for the Postgraduate Residency Program, the Division of Orthodontics offers a one-year prostgraduate fellowship.

The fellowship is an intensive one-year, non-degree program for Orthodontists who want to enhance their knowledge in the field of orthodontics. After successful completion of the program fellows will receive a certificate confirming completion of an advanced one-year fellowship in Orthodontics. This certificate does not serve as a specialty degree.


There is a cost to attend the program depending on which you are eligible for. A non-refundable deposit is required. payable within 20 days of acceptance into the program. The fellow will be responsible for all incidental fees and living expenses above and beyond the fellowship fees. No funds, scholarships, loans or grants are available for the fellowship program.


The didactic program will include lectures, seminars, and interdisciplinary patient conferences. Emphasis of the didactic program will be to provide a strong foundation in the areas of biomechanics, growth and development, biology of tooth movement, 3D imaging, and principals behind the theory and practice of orthodontics.

The clinical program will emphasize diagnosis, treatment plan, and mechanics plan of patients with various malocclusions. The students will work very closely with faculty and residents within the orthodontic clinic on patients. They will have access to all our clinical facilities.

Research will also be an integral part of the program by providing an opportunity to work on various clinical and basic science research programs currently underway in our division.

The Division of Orthodontics works very closely with other divisions within the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. This will provide a very broad exposure to interdisciplinary care for orthodontics patients.

There are two separate categories within the fellowship program:

Clinical Program

The clinical program will involve hands-on demonstrations, as in treatment of patients, with emphasis on diagnosis, treatment planning, and the biomechanics involved with various malocclusions. The fellows will work closely with faculty and residents within the orthodontic clinic. For fellows interested/accepted in the Clinical Track, a minimum of 50% time will be devoted to research.


All participants must be a graduate of an accredited orthodontic program of their country.

Research Program

Fellows will develop and participate in clinical and basic science projects in the Division of Orthodontics. The fellows will learn how to execute clinical research from writing a research protocol to the execution of the project. For fellows interested/accepted in the Research Track, a minimum of 50% time will be devoted to research.


All participants must be a graduate of an accredited orthodontic program of their country (D.D.S./D.M.D. or its equivalent).

Application Process

  • There is no fee to apply
  • Application must accompany translated transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendations
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Passport size photograph
  • Personal Statement
  • A telephonic/online interview might be required

Additional Information

  • The fellowship program has a July 1 start date. However, applications are accepted throughout the year.
  • International applicants must be eligible for an appropriate visa to enter the United States.

Post Graduate Orthodontic Fellowship Program (POFP)

The proposed Orthodontic Fellowship Program will be an intensive full-time, one-year program for orthodontists graduating from a CODA (Commission on Dental Accreditation) accredited orthodontic program who want to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of orthodontists and dentofacial orthopedics.


There is a cost to attend the program depending on which you are eligible for. A non-refundable deposit is required payable within 20 days of acceptance in to the program. The fellow will be responsible for all health, incidental insurance fees and living expenses above and beyond fellowship tuition. The applicant/fellow will not receive any monetary assistance from the University of Connecticut. No funds, scholarships, loans or grants are available for the fellowship program.


The program will consist of academic/didactic, clinical patient care and research components.

Academic/Didactic Component

The Fellow will be involved in the didactic curriculum of resident education. He/she will be required to actively participate in teaching residents and dental students either in the classroom or clinic under the guidance of a faculty member. Emphasis of the didactic program will be on providing a strong foundation in areas of biomechanics, growth and development, biology of tooth movement, cephalometrics, clinical methodology based on evidence-based knowledge, advanced treatment planning related to orthodontic treatments, and related basic research methodology. Lectures will be assigned to the Fellows, who will in turn be mentored in teaching skills by the faculty in the Division. One to two days a week will be dedicated to this component.

Clinical Patient Care Component

This component will facilitate development of expertise in management of complex orthodontic patients (especially in decision-making and prioritization of treatment sequencing when the patient has multiple issues). Special focus will be placed on mechanics-based treatment approaches. There will be opportunities to master newer innovations and techniques in orthodontics that include skeletal anchorage, 3D treatment planning with CBCT technology, advanced biomechanics and orthognathic surgery. The fellows will work very closely with the faculty and residents within the orthodontics clinic. Fellows will be authorized (i.e., have privileges) to guide, educate and advise residents on various aspects of treatment.**

One to two days a week will be dedicated to this clinical patient care component. If the fellow is a graduate of the Orthodontics Residency at UConn Health, he/she will also have the opportunity to complete his/her board cases.

** The fellow's clinical competency and involvement must be approved and authorized by the program director.

Research Component

This component's intent is to expose the fellow to a spectrum of basic science and clinical research programs currently in progress in the Division of Orthodontics. The fellow will be provided sufficient opportunity to work on a project of interest either in basic science or clinical research. One to two days a week will be dedicated to the research component.

Application Process

  1. Applicants must be graduates of a CODA accredited residency program in orthodontics.
  2. Board certification or provide proof of eligibility for board certification.
  3. Detailed curriculum vitae.
  4. Three letters of recommendation from the applicant's residency program.
  5. Application form (with a passport size photograph)
  6. A personal (or conference call) interview in which the applicant describes his/her prospective focus and goals in the fellowship experience.
  7. A summary of the interview agreement will be documented and signed by the applicant and the Program Director prior to finalizing the application process.
  8. When relevant, an appropriate visa.

Please send questions and/or electronic application copies of the above in one email to:

Dr. Madhur Upadhyay
Director, Orthodontic Fellowship Program
Division of Orthodontics, MC 1725
UConn School of Dental Medicine
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1725, USA
Email: maupadhyay@uchc.edu



Full-Time Faculty
Flavio Uribe, D.D.S., M.D.S.
Department Chair

Nilofar Azami, D.D.S., M.D.S
Clinical Assistant Professor
Program Director

Eliane Dutra, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Caroline Dealy, Ph.D.

John R. Harrison, Ph.D.
Associate Professor In-Residence

Thais Fernandes Poleti
Research Instructor

Madhur Upadhyay, B.D.S., M.D.S., M.Dent.Sc.
Professor In-Residence
Orthodontic Clinic Director

Professor Emeritus
Ravindra Nanda, B.D.S., M.D.S., Ph.D.

Part-Time Faculty
Taranpreet Chandhoke, D.M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor In-Residence

Jonathan Feldman, D.M.D., M.S.
Clinical Assistant Professor

Volunteer Faculty

Amirtha Hariharan, D.D.S., M.D.S
Clinical Instructor

Jennifer Lowney, D.M.D
Clinical Instructor

Gary Opin, D.D.S., M.D.S.
Clinical Assistant Professor

Perry Opin, D.D.S., M.S.
Clinical Assistant Professor

Lorin Sher, D.M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Instructor

Derek Steinbacher, D.M.D., M.S., M.D.
Clinical Instructor

Davis Witt, D.M.D., M.S.D.
Clinical Instructor

Contact Information

Georgiana Defilio
Division of Orthodontics
UConn School of Dental Medicine
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1725
Phone: 860-679-2550
Email: gedefilio@uchc.edu