Council on Education
A Joint Standing Council of the School of Dental Medicine Senate and Administration
The Council on Education oversees the development, modification, evaluation and measurement of educational programs at all levels: predoctoral, postdoctoral, continuing, and other related programs in the SDM. The Council is, thus, authorized to recommend policies and procedures for educational programs, admission, evaluation and promotion of students. The Council also may recommend the development or elimination of courses as the requirements of students, the SDM, and the profession change with time. To aid in its charge, the Council may appoint subcommittees (e.g. Predoctoral Education, Postdoctoral Education, Continuing Education, and Educational Review) composed of faculty members and administrators with appropriate expertise and students from appropriate constituencies. The Chairperson of the Council on Education serves as the liaison to the Offices of Faculty Development and Continuing and Community Education in the School of Medicine.
Implementation of policies and procedures established by the Senate will be the responsibility of the Dean.
The Council consists of 8 faculty members, one predoctoral student, one postdoctoral student, one School of Dental Medicine (SDM) department head, the Associate Dean for Dental Academic Affairs, the Associate Dean for Dental Clinical Affairs, and the Dean for Academic Affairs of the School of Medicine. Each of the three SDM clinical departments will be represented by two faculty members, and the seven basic science departments will be represented by a total of two faculty members. All Council members shall have voting privileges.
Terms are three years.