Dental Senate

Dental Senate

The Senate is the voice of the faculty and a voice for students in student affairs, pre-doctoral dental education, postdoctoral clinical education, continuing education, research, the academic environment, and similar matters. Through active participation in its Senate, the faculty and students of the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine (SDM) ensure the vigor of the School's programs in education, research and patient care. Senators are elected by and represent their Departments and student bodies.

Much of the Senate's work will be carried out by its standing Councils and their respective working committees. Service on these Councils and committees affords faculty and students with opportunities to participate directly in setting the direction of the SDM. Councils on Education, Academic Environment and Research report directly to the Dental Senate.

Dental Senate meetings are open to all faculty and students. Meeting minutes will be placed on the Dental Senate website to inform faculty and students about activities of Senate Councils and committees, and active engagement of Senators with their constituents. In addition, the Senate will communicate fully and regularly with the faculty and students through monthly Senate meetings. The Senate will maintain a dialogue with the administration and Department Heads to facilitate joint initiatives and to allow the faculty and students to deal rapidly and proactively with issues of importance.

Terms are three years.

Dental Senate Steering Committee

The Steering Committee provides oversight for Senate Councils and committees through regularly scheduled or ad hoc meetings with the Council or committee Chairpersons.


Academic Environment